Welcome to the jsPsych in Qualtrics Tutorial Series

WARNING!! This tutorial series is based on version 6.x of jsPsych. Due to extensive changes in jsPsych 7.x and above, many things in this tutorial won't work. However, you can still download jsPsych v6.3.1 (the last jsPsych 6.x release) and use it for your projects.

Hello, I am Kyoung Whan and have used jsPsych within Qualtrics extensively in my research. For example, I developed the Choose-And-Solve Task with jsPsych, ran the task using Qualtrics with math attitude surveys, and published a paper, titled "Calculated avoidance: Math anxiety predicts math avoidance in effort-based decision-making" (Choe et al., 2019, Science Advances).

The purpose of this tutorial series is to provide an easy-to-follow guide to Qualtrics users (e.g., many social and psychological science researchers) on embedding jsPsych-based behavioral experiments into Qualtrics so that they could study interesting individual differences, correlating questionnaires vs. behavioral/cognitive measures.

This tutorial assumes that readers are familiar with Qualtrics and have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and GitHub. For the beginners, I try to find and link good external resources (like below), so please do not give up and give it a try.

If you are looking for Qualtrics tutorials, there are other excellent tutorials available, as well as Qualtrics' official support page. For example,

If you are looking for jsPsych v6.x tutorial, the best place to start is the jsPsych v6.3 Hello World! tutorial. Also check out these resources:

jsPsych in Qualtrics Tutorial Series

If you have suggestions, shoot me an email to choe_DOT_kyoung_AT_gmail_DOT_com. Thanks!

Unfortunately, this tutorial series is no longer actively maintained (last update, 11/25/2021), as I moved to the industry. Still, I hope this helps fellow researchers.

Part 1. The Basics: Launching an online study and saving the data

Part 2. Case studies: Embedding existing jsPsych experiments into Qualtrics